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Salsa Evening

The Friends of Pulborough Parish Church invite you to an evening of Salsa dancing.

No previous experience required! Full instruction will be given by experienced professional dance teachers, Marion and John Fenton. The ticket price includes a free drink and a veggie chilli. There will be a prize draw, and the lucky winner will receive a hamper packed with goodies!

The dance will be held in Pulborough Village Hall, which has free parking on site. Overflow parking is in the Lower Street Car Park opposite the library (free of charge after 6pm on Saturdays). 

The time: 7pm on Saturday 7th September 2024.

The place: Pulborough Village Hall.

We are very grateful to have sponsorship generously provided by Batcheller Monkhouse. 

Bachellor Monkhouse Logo Sponsor of Friends of Pulborough Parish Church Salsa Evening